Saturday, October 25, 2008

Soap Making

Here is a slide show with once again poor music. This slide show is how to make a bar of soap. I will try to get a Laundry soap tutorial up this week. I am having so much fun making soap.
Norah's towel for Kindergarten was laid over a cinnamon soap loaf box and it smelled like cinnamon. Needless to say she needed the towel so I let her take it to school all smelly and she said it smells just like home. She had all her friends smelling it.

Jeremy had a big day today. Seems he was the Star for the day amongst the 6years and younger croud. What a beautiful day. I finally pulled the last of my Celery. We are making Chicken pot pie and Ham and Bean soup with it. Yum Yum!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rendered Tallow and a goofy Friend

Here is a link I made on how to render tallow¤t=56ec0dd5.pbr
Here is a link a goofy soap making friend made. She loves revies on youtube

Friday, October 17, 2008

Busy as a bee

Almond, Honey, Cinnamon SOAP oh it is sooo yummy, I have about 7 doz handmade soaps at my home right now. It has been so much fun. I will try to put up a tutorial this week on how to make it. I will also do a video on making your own Laundry soap. The real thing no just Borax, Washing soda, And Kirks soap. I can show that one too but not as cost effective or dangerous.
They aren't sleeping yet but about 20 mins after this shop they wouldn't wake up not even for McDonalds.
Garet has now Pood and Pee'd in the Potty. He was going on the potty all day for several days, after the Pooping he decided he can do it, so he has nothing more to prove. He has since been done with the potty. The training was short lived.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Only in our home!

Only in our home will you get in the same meal Homemade Sweet Potatoe Pie for desert and Instand sweet Potatoes for a side dish. Hmmm... Ok mom made the Sweet Potatoe Pie and Jeremy made the Instant Sweet Potatoes. All give him a little credit he did make a fantastic Carmel Apple PorkChop and only by default did we fall back on the Instant S. Potatoes.

Credit must also be given to Caitlynn. She makes the best Pie Crusts, She is thinking about Culinary school when she graduates and I think that is a wonderful idea.

Garet surprised his family yesterday. He can now go down in Decker history as the first child to use the potty on his own before 3 years of age. At Garets delicate age of 2 years and 5 months he decided to take the training into his own hands. Mother thinks he can wait until he is closer to 3 so she is not training herself rather than him. Garet seems to think his age is apropriate for the task. After removing his dry diaper to change it he asked if he could use the potty. Whatever I thought. So he ran in there while I stayed in his room thinking nothing of the sort when I heard him Peeing. I ran in there clapping and scared the begeezes out of him. Yep he shot right out of the potty. Oh well. He did not understand what all the hoopla was about and when mom called dad all he wanted to talk about was getting a bath. I wonder now how many times he has went and I never noticed since he didn't make any deal out of the endeavor.

Madison brought home straight A's on her midterm grades. Caits will be home soom and hopefully she has done just as well. Cait has already qualified several times for Sections in Swimming. She will swimming Backstrock, IM, and two relays the Medely relay and the 400 relay. Madison brought home a 20 min time on her 2.5 mile race last week. Both 0ur girls amaze us on there sporty abilities.