All start off by saying Lola was such a wonderful blessing to have this weekend. Everyone at Church wanted to take her home. She never once cried, only wimpered a few times. I also think I got Lola converted to Cloth diapers, now to work on her mother. Yep, Lola wore cloth when she came to my home.
Next, Praise God we have found a church we feel comfortable in. Jeremy has taken a liking to the men at the church and they seem to feel the same about him. The kiddos love the new church. They are excieted about bible verse memorization and the Sunday and Wednesday night plug in programs. The kids are in a program like pioneer girls only for girls and boys. They plug through the bible memorizing and understanding verses. What caught my eye in the discription of the class was that they tell biographies not Stories from the bible. I love that thought. Train our children from a young age that the bible did happen its not full of stories.
Our big delema in the Decker household is Rollie's chess. Rollie was invited to start a reading group Tuesday and Thursday mornings. We accepted the invite but later found out that Chess club this year will be held Tues morning instead of Tuesday after school. I feel torn on what to do. Rollie loves chess but needs help in Reading. We don't have him in any extra activities this year where last year he was in Chess, swimming, and hockey. It bothers me we don't have the funds and chess is something he can do for free. On the otherside it should be a no brainer for any nonparent on what to do in this situation. Yes, I should put him in the reading program and strengthen his skills but he just loves Chess so much. Will pray on it and see what happens.
My last concern, Tree or no tree for Thanksgiving. Yes, I have actually been debating this for a few weeks. We have never had guest before on a holiday. We live about 2 hours away from most of our family so not many visitors. Well this year we are having Thanksgiving and I would love to share my Christmas spirit with them also knowing They won't get a chance to make it up here again. What do you think? Will it be to corny to eat the turkey next to the 12 ft light tree?
The other pics of some amazing Almond shortbread cookies I made tonight and some awesome soap Im finishing up.
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