Love the Starwars, Rollie and I have been watching the series these last few days and Im loving it.
So Christmas was great, We went bowling on the 23rd which was a blast. On the 24th we tried going to my Cousin Anne's house but unfortunatly Rollie ended up with the Flu bug. The same one that struck Norah down on Saturday and myself on Monday.
Dec. 31 we got a wonderful evening with old friends at Sara and Virgils house. All my best friends from High School were there. The kiddos got to help my mother take down trees and enjoy a movie. That following Friday we headed up to Jeremy's Aunties house and stayed at a local hotel that had a waterpark. The kids had so much fun, we even got to watch Andrew (jer's cousin)the head lifeguard do a rescue. Sara and Virgil came up to the hotel on Saturday and Sara and I plunged in the water with all the kids and Jeremy and Virgil fought the 12" earlier snow fall to ice fish. Lucky them another 8" were added that day after there house made it on the ice.
This week Jeremy is once again enjoying some 70's in Texas while the coldest week of the year I am in MN. THis happened last year also. And there were a few times he was in Thailand with 100+ weather while I was in the 0degree climate.
I will be adding a section onto the blog that will give free e coupons. This is a wonderful thing to have and most stores accept the store sale, the manufactured coupon plus the e-coupon which gives you a triple saving on many items.
OH I forgot Jeremy Grew a Beard, Everyone now refers to him as Honest Abe. I personally really like it and wish he would have done it every winter. All post a pic of it later.
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