Yes I do cloth diaper Garet. But Garet will be three next month and he has started to wet a ton. Unfortunatly when we go to the gym and overnight his diapers just can't hold up to his power 3 year old bladder so we opt for sposies (AKA paper diapers). This was a hard thing to do and I know if I was a little more dedicated I could put a woolie or fleece cover over his diapers but there have been such great deals on diapers and I know I only have about a month left of the diapers that it is tough for me to purchase a 15-20.00 woolie or fleece cover. So If your wondering what should you do with your child to be thrifty I say CLoth diaper all the way. Cloth diaper until they are at that 2.5-3 years of age and then if you can't keep up with the wetting through switch. You will save so much money, your child will love how much they stay dry and they will have little no diaper rash with cloth diapers. Unlike sposies which cost .20+ cents a piece, cause diaper rash, smell way worse than I cloth diaper could ever smell, hang down to there knees in the morning, and fill your garbage and the landfill. (no I don't believe in global warming, but I do believe in the diseases spread through bugs hanging out on dirty diapers in landfills and the uglyness of diapers that will NEVER break down)plus your garbage bill will be smaller since you are not throwing 6-10 diapers away a day. Water costs for Cloth diapering are equivilant to a toddler that is potty trained. They say as much as a toddler flushes the toilet after going is the same amount of water you use to wash the diapers. I spray my diapers off with a toilet sprayer and then add the close to clean diapers into my whites load so I see no difference in my water bill. Please note the average child is usually potty trained before 3. All my kids Cloth diapered or not have not trained until 3 years of age. So your chances of them wetting through like my little guy is rare. Cloth diapers can be spendy at 15-18.00 a piece but remember you only need 10-12 diapers, you can find cheaper more inconvient ones out there for 2-5.00 a piece or you can sew your own with all the free patterns out there for about 4.00 a piece. I loved Fuzzi Bunz and so I sewed my own diapers that were close to the Fuzzi Bunz syle.Tthere will be a few new ones at Essence of Flowers in Litchfield by Monday. If you like them I can sew you some at 15.00 a piece. I have a ton of colors otherwise I can show you how to sew your own. If I know you well enough I will lend you my snap press to get that professional and convient diaper. If you don't know me and still want to make diapers you can make great ones like Thirsties or BumGenius with velcro. I think there diaper patterns are out there also. I found them on the sewyourowndiapers yahoo group which posts a few free diaper patterns. There are also used diapers on Craigslist. I would suggest this but I am a little leary. If I child has a yeast infection or any other type of infection it can stay in the diapers and travel to the next child. Yuck, buy or make new ones. Covers are fine to buy used if you go that route. I prefer pocket diapers which don't need a cover and are very slim fitting. My old store that I sold is The new owner is very nice and has some good info on her site. IF you have questions please call me or email me. I did own a store and I have made my own diapers so I do think of my self as very experienced in this area.
Above are some pics of some diapers I made this year. The sesame street and Muppet ones Had to be discontinued. I actually received a ceist and desist letter from Sesame street for making them. Anyways you can see how fashionable your babies bum can be. The character faces are put on the bum and I used to make them for 30.00 a piece.
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