Tuesday, August 11, 2009


So we have Not sure if all have them in the right order or not
JarJar who is a English Lop (cream and white)
Freckles is a Hollan Lop (white, black and brown)
Hubert mutt (sable)
Carrots Lionhead (poof ball)
Missing is Anakin (looking for a new home since he turned out to be a boy, also English lop ears are at 22") and Charmin New Zealand (mother to Hubert big and white)

It wasn't me Monday confessions

Well my first confession is I never blogged yesterday but I have some good ones so here it goes today.
Two weeks ago Our lower level flooded due to the washing machine spilling on the floor. So My son Garets room was completly stripped down, no carpet, no bed, no toys nothing. Completly forgetting this Garet had been naughty and gotten into the cookies I had displayed nicely on a plate for the county fair competition. he was told he couldn't touch the cookies because mommy needed them and he could have a different one after supper. So here I am cooking in the kitchen when i hear my dear Garet saying words like Yummy! Its Deliousious! and again Its deliousious at that point panick set in and I ran to the kitchen table where the little mouse had taken off the sarahn wrap and started eating all the cookies. Trying not to laugh being he did this at Christmas with the 50 Gingerbread cookies I made for Rollie and Norahs class I acted quickly and sent him to his room. After a few moments I visualized my son in his room on his bed falling asleep. Then it hit me nothing is in my dear sweet boys room but a cement floor. There he sat patiently and said Im really sorry mommy for your cookies on a cement floor. I then sent him to time out on the couch.

Confession two, I love my Rollie so much that when he decided he really wanted a new English lop I got him Norah and I all packed up in the car to drive to Illinois. Instead of 1 rabbit we came home with 3 and one of them is pregnant.

Normal life is just canning and keeping up with the garden produce. We have 19 tomatoe plants taller than Jeremy and I but not a single red tomatoe on them. Bummer! Everything else is growing strong.

Our beautiful Chickens have laid 4 eggs so far, it is so exciting!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Norah's 6th Birtday

Pull out the Ballons and frosted Cake were celebrating Norah's 6th Birthday today! We plan on Cake and her favorite meal tonight and a trip to the Hyland Park reserve to a park called Shots and Ladders. It sounds a little low key but Sunday Grandma Betty came down and her, Cait, Maddi, Norah (AKA birthday girl) and myself went to the Mall of America for a lovely lunch at the American Girl Bistro followed by the American Girl Shop. Norah picked out her very first American Girl doll named Rebecca. She also got to pick out a beautiful dress for Rebecca and a dress for herself. We then headed over to the AG hair salon where Jess (AKA Maddi's American Girl) Had her hair done up for the party and Rebecca got her ears pierced.
At 1:15 we headed up to the Bistro where we enjoyed amazing meals and the American girls got to sit at our table. They were served lemonade, rootbeer, fruit and dessert. Norah choose some Veggies to get started. Then a picnic lunch which was a mini hotdog and a mini hamburger with fun shaped fruit on the side. Oh I forgot and tons of curley fries. She had a shake, which strangely her sisters drank and she had water. Lastly for dessert Milk and cookies with a candle on top. The day was so much fun and Norah got to be the star. With 4 other siblings days like this don't come often enough.
Our garden is growing like crazy, 18 tomato plants alone. Some are 5+ feet tall and I feel like Im walking through a jungle in there. Remember I am under 5 ft so everything seems taller. We have about 6-8 broccoli plants and I can't keep up eating Broccoli the asparagus was good but the season has ended for those lovely stems. The zucchini is finally in also and we will get our first tastes of it tonight. The rabbits and chickens have enjoyed the overgrown Zuchinni (rabbits didn't care for this one), Carrots, strawberries, and spinach. The Lord has provided a harvest much bigger than we could have imagined. We have so much more coming in also Tons of Eggplant, watermelon, blueberries, grapes, onions, apples, rasberries, strawberries, onions, Bell Peppers, jalepenos, ancho, banana peppers, thai peppers, to many peppers to name (I think like 15 different plants out there) Acorn Squash, Spagetti squash, butternut squash, Garlic, herbs galore, Cucumbers, Rhubarb, and beans. I will be canning like mad. I already canned 90 jars of Jelly and jams. Yummy! The jelly took first at the Ramsey county fair and the jams took 2nd. Will see how everything does at the washington county fair next month. I am also entering a ton of garden goods.
I haven't posted inawhile but Garet is finally out of Cloth! He is fully potty trained. This was an emotional time, my last baby. I got so into cloth diapers, I sewed them, personlized them, and sold some. Many memories with the diapers. I even got a letter from Sesame street stating they would sue if I sewed one more Oscar on a diaper butt. I find it flattering that they noticed my diapers. LOL! So I sold my supplies, sold my snap press, and am moving on to the next thing. Its looking like dresses for Norah. She seems to wear a dress everyday and she only owns about 4 that fit her. Mother if your reading this, Norah has wore her Cupcake birthday dress everyday. I predicted this when we bought it for her last Sunday. I bought a ton of the Olivia the Pig material and may be off to make some school clothes. All post pics.
As for the new button on the side of my blog. That is a link to the creators website of the Not me Mondays. Each Monday I will give a confession of the things I should have done but didn't. If you would like to add this link just go to her website and you can find the button code. I am under the impression she is from the metro area after seeing some areas she has been. We got the idea of Chutes and Ladders park from her website. I randomly was searching for things to do today and ran across the site. Nothing exciting on there but the woman does sound alot like me. I do like her idea of the Not me Mondays so I thougth I would try to incorperate it.
MJ just finished up some courses at the College of St. Thomas. She is in 8th grade and was selected to go to a 3 week camp at the college for free. She is a 4.0 student and has some crazy but for her realistic life goals. We are incrediably proud of her.
Caitlynn is fast approaching swim season where she was selected to be the Captain in Training. She will be a Captain her senior year and this year will shadow the Senior Captain. This is a huge honor because there were only 2 girls choosen out of the whole team. Cait also finished her Lifeguard Certficate this summer and is trying to get a job. Next week she will be the big 16 so she can officially apply for jobs.
Rollan was diagnosed with ADHD late Spring. Jeremy and I are confused how we would like to treat this so prayers are appreciated. he is currently attending a summer reading program to help him read better. Imagine a family memeber who has trouble writing, spelling and reading. OK everyone can clearly see I should have received some help but I excel in other areas and I feel he will find his niche too. Madison was in summer school and had troubles until about 4th grade then she bloomed. She writes books carries a 4.0 GPA reads non stop. So Im not to worried. Caitlynn also struggled until about 4th grade and I expect Norah and Garet to do the same. Sometimes parents know so much more that teachers and doctors. Caitlynn also is a wonderful student when she turns in her homework.
jeremy has been busy building a new rabbit hutch, and a huge Chicken coop. The coop run is about 35x15 which is large for our 3 hens. We will be adding another 9 meat chickens and 3 Easter Eggers, 1 black Frizzle, and 1 Blue silkie to the bunch. This will be our last run of Meat chickens for the season we will start up again in April. If your are unfamiliar with meat chickens we keep ours for 10 weeks and then send them to be processed at a local butcher shop. Our egg layers we keep for good. We ended up getting one Rooster in the bunch and he sounds like he is going through puperty. He is about 4 1/2 months and his crowing is aweful. He is going out to Jeremy's mothers this weekend to enjoy a truely free range life at the farm. Norah also got a unexpected birthday suprise. She got a Lionhead Rabbit she named Carrots. All the kids feel in love with it so since Caitlynn has hubert Norah has Carrots Madison decided she needed a lionhead and will be picking hers up next week. It name is Peas. Rollan feel in love with the English Lops he picked out a Blue Broken English lop that doesn't have a name yet. He is very excited, these rabbits have ears that are approximatly 11-14 inches in lenght each I think is the average. Rollie will be able to show his rabbit at the local fair and so will Norah if they want. I would love to get them into 4H.
Jeremy and I ran Grandma's. Jeremy ran the Marathon and I did a half this time. During that time I lost my Wedding ring. It has been a bummer but the nice side is insurance is covering the ring. Since I never wore my ring unless it was somewhere special I decided to buy a used one or a cheaper one. This leave Jerdog and I with a little cash in our pocket. I think we will be buying a feezer for all our chickens and stockpiles and a new Patio door. With the new energy tax credit this could be a great thing to pick up plus our door in the winter is like a freezer door open. It leaks so bad with the huge gaps in it. All post some pics of the new rabbits later. I will also post pics of our 4th of July weekend. You can also find picks on my Facebook page of everything.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Deep Breath, I did it.

I finally cut my baby boy's hair. His hair was getting so long that it would constantly get in his little eyes. So I took him up to Wild Child to get it cut, everyone kept calling him a little girl so we thought the haircut would make him look like a little boy. Well he kinda looks more girly being he has so many curls but he is still so precious looking he could get a way with anything.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Egging, and Chicks First day of Freedom

Easter Sunday was a blast, Jeremy and I got to stay home with the kiddos all day and not worry about a thing. Wait, I guess Jeremy had to run 12 miles that evening in prep for his Marathon in June. So let me rephrase, I had a wonderful Easter Sunday and got to stay home with my kiddos and enjoy the day. In the morning we colored Easter Eggs together and then mom suddenly got a caffeine headache so Jeremy and the kids went to the store to get mom a cold coffee. While they were out a sneaky bunny hid all the eggs and left behind some Easter baskets. What a sneaky rabbit. The kids came home and hunted for there baskets and luckily found all the eggs. Later that day Jeremy started Raking in the back yard in our garden which was covered with leaves for the winter. Sure enough he found a sure sign of spring, Our strawberry plants were already coming up. I am so exceited for spring!! What a wonderful way to celebrate Jesus, being home with the family no worries or hurries, and we were able to enjoy each other and the lovely Earth God gave us.

Yesterday Jeremy made the chicks a portable coop. They spent the day outside scratching the ground and fertilizing it. They have a much prettier coop waiting for them when they get a few weeks older but this is a nice inbetween. They still need to come inside when the temp gets below 61 degrees but during the day they are lovin the sun.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Finally pics of the chicks

The Chicks arrived last friday and were hatched on April 1, 2009. They are 10 days old today. Wednesday I had the wonderful joy of bringing all 11 chicks to Norahs class room and then to Rollans Class room. The kids enjoyed the chicks so much and had wonderful questions to ask. The last picture is a today picture, the chicks have almost doubled in size. The cute chick is named Black Betty and is my favorite. If I put my hand in the cage she runs up and jumps on my hand to be held. She is always looking up out of the playpen for me when I leave. I will post a new pic each Friday so you can see how they have grown. The Brown Birds are the Rhode Island Red and they have already gotten in there Footbal shoulder pad feathers and there tail feathers, these birds will lay brown eggs. The yellow birds are the meat birds, they will be harvested after a short 6 weeks. These birds will turn white and are called Jumbo Cornish If they are not harvested there heavy weight will put them into cardiac arrest and they will pass from that. Lastely is the Barred Rock which is a beautifly black and white striped bird. They will lay brown eggs after 6 months of age.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

But Don't I cloth Diaper???

Yes I do cloth diaper Garet. But Garet will be three next month and he has started to wet a ton. Unfortunatly when we go to the gym and overnight his diapers just can't hold up to his power 3 year old bladder so we opt for sposies (AKA paper diapers). This was a hard thing to do and I know if I was a little more dedicated I could put a woolie or fleece cover over his diapers but there have been such great deals on diapers and I know I only have about a month left of the diapers that it is tough for me to purchase a 15-20.00 woolie or fleece cover. So If your wondering what should you do with your child to be thrifty I say CLoth diaper all the way. Cloth diaper until they are at that 2.5-3 years of age and then if you can't keep up with the wetting through switch. You will save so much money, your child will love how much they stay dry and they will have little no diaper rash with cloth diapers. Unlike sposies which cost .20+ cents a piece, cause diaper rash, smell way worse than I cloth diaper could ever smell, hang down to there knees in the morning, and fill your garbage and the landfill. (no I don't believe in global warming, but I do believe in the diseases spread through bugs hanging out on dirty diapers in landfills and the uglyness of diapers that will NEVER break down)plus your garbage bill will be smaller since you are not throwing 6-10 diapers away a day. Water costs for Cloth diapering are equivilant to a toddler that is potty trained. They say as much as a toddler flushes the toilet after going is the same amount of water you use to wash the diapers. I spray my diapers off with a toilet sprayer and then add the close to clean diapers into my whites load so I see no difference in my water bill. Please note the average child is usually potty trained before 3. All my kids Cloth diapered or not have not trained until 3 years of age. So your chances of them wetting through like my little guy is rare. Cloth diapers can be spendy at 15-18.00 a piece but remember you only need 10-12 diapers, you can find cheaper more inconvient ones out there for 2-5.00 a piece or you can sew your own with all the free patterns out there for about 4.00 a piece. I loved Fuzzi Bunz and so I sewed my own diapers that were close to the Fuzzi Bunz syle.Tthere will be a few new ones at Essence of Flowers in Litchfield by Monday. If you like them I can sew you some at 15.00 a piece. I have a ton of colors otherwise I can show you how to sew your own. If I know you well enough I will lend you my snap press to get that professional and convient diaper. If you don't know me and still want to make diapers you can make great ones like Thirsties or BumGenius with velcro. I think there diaper patterns are out there also. I found them on the sewyourowndiapers yahoo group which posts a few free diaper patterns. There are also used diapers on Craigslist. I would suggest this but I am a little leary. If I child has a yeast infection or any other type of infection it can stay in the diapers and travel to the next child. Yuck, buy or make new ones. Covers are fine to buy used if you go that route. I prefer pocket diapers which don't need a cover and are very slim fitting. My old store that I sold is www.mysweetpickles.com The new owner is very nice and has some good info on her site. IF you have questions please call me or email me. I did own a store and I have made my own diapers so I do think of my self as very experienced in this area.

Above are some pics of some diapers I made this year. The sesame street and Muppet ones Had to be discontinued. I actually received a ceist and desist letter from Sesame street for making them. Anyways you can see how fashionable your babies bum can be. The character faces are put on the bum and I used to make them for 30.00 a piece.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Its Pouring over here

My crazy thoughts took over today and I talked my dear husband into driving to two different Fleet Farms and a Menards to find Maple tree taps. After going to Blain MN we found 6 Maple taps and 6 1 gallon Buckets. Little research I did I felt comfortable drilling into our 2 beautiful Maple trees for sugar water A.K.A. Syrup. My husband is so wonderful he just goes along with my thoughts. This time he thought there is no way I am going to get syrup. He told me the season is almost done and you need at least 10 gallons to make a quart of syrup. I somehow still talked him into it and said it would be a great experience for the kids even if we were only able to get enough syrup for a quart.
When we bought the stuff I was expecting this slow drip that would maybe give me a quarter to half a gallon a day. I thought I would be lucky if I got 10 gallons by the end of the week and then the season would be done. Well as it turns out the season can go on until the later part of April as long as it is over 40 degrees during the day and under 30 degrees at night. So I do wish for this miserable weather to stay for at least 2 more weeks.
Moving on with the story, Jeremy tapped our trees around 6:30 tonight. About 7:30 I started getting nervous because they were filling so fast, Jeremy told me to get a large pot and we would dump them in there. For sure all the bucket would fit in this pot. WRONGO! We had only made it to two buckets and the pot was full. So he ran to back to fleetfarm and got two 5 gallon buckets, while he was gone I filled 2 milk jugs and then when he came home we emptied the rest of the buckets and got another 5 gallons. So in 2 hours we have over 6 gallons of syrup. We could have had more but we had nothing to put them into so they overflowed and spilled all over the ground. We will empty them before bed again about 11 pm and then early morning. After that I am out of 5 gallon pails. I plan on sending the kids out to the neighbors tommorow to gather milk jugs. I have attached some fun pics.

The last pics are of CAITLYNN, Yep she is driving legally almost. She passes her permit test and so she is behind the wheel with mom and dad until Aug when she can take her behind the wheel with an instructor. Please, Please, Please pray for the saftey of our family. Caitlynn has never driven before and Thursday night was her first night behind the wheel. You can see from the pics everyone is scared. Good news is she passed her written with an almost perfect score!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

New Glasses

I never post pic of myself but I would to show off my new glasses so her are the only pics you'll see of me.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Woodburning Furnace

Sitting around today waiting for the new Woodburning Furnace. I will posts pics later, I am so excited. We are on our path to off grid. I started another blog that goes into our off grid plan for the next 5 years.
Also this last week I have planted 140 plants for the garden and started to prepare for spring which will be busy. We are looking for wood so if you have a tree that needs to be cut down please let us know. I will also be moving the wood Cook Stove to the garage or Shed to work on it before we can bring it into the home. There are two small cracks in the oven but Im thinking a little screen and stove cement and it will be good as new for a few years. Check back for pics.
First 2 Pics are Our Wood Cook Stove, pic 3 is the date of the Wood Cook Stove. Amazing it still works beautifully, date is Sept 20, 1906.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Rollie and his 20/20 on the world

Rollan had an eye dr. apt this morning so on our way I was listening to Chris Baker Ktlk. Chris was upset that the Attorney General had given a speech saying America was full of Cowards. We were raciest, and we should be out engaging our lives with illegal aliens. Chris Baker was fired up because out of all the stuff going on in America this is what the Attorney General had to say. He went into how this is the one year anniversary for Columbin (killer was an illegal alien) and how Phonix was the 2nd highest place for child abduction but all the Attorney General had to say was we should be having Barbeques in our back yard with illegal aliens and we should go ice fishing more with illegal aliens.
All of a sudden Rollan burst out laughing in the back seat, I ask him why he is laughing and he says Aliens on Earth. At first I had no idea what he was talking about so I said " why would there be aliens here Rollie" He said, "Well that is what the news guy said, He said we should go ice fishing more with Aliens and we should have them in our back yard. Is that guy Nuts Aliens aren't on Earth".
I had to tell this story because this is one I just don't want to forget.

Rollie has 20/20 vision and doesn't need glasses. YEA!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Never blog while making bacon. Yep, its burnt. Well for all you bread makers out there I found something out today, you can use a little button on your stove called proofing to have your bread rise. Its so cool. Talking with Sara I was telling her my trick to get my bread to rise. I used to turn my microwave on for 45 seconds then turn it off and put my dough in the microwave so it would stay warm. Sara asked why I just didn't put it in the oven and use the proofing button. Wow, my bread looks awesome and so much poofier. So there is the tip of the day, see if you have a proofing button.
Second tip, If you are a huge couponer like me and have not set yourself up for paper delivery on Sunday mornings this tip will help. First buy your paper on Saturday the early edition, same coupons. Also buy it from one of those paper machines. We have one in front of McDonalds and its .25 cents cheaper. This way you can look through the ads a day earlier and see which day you should do your grocery shopping. Last week milk was 3.75 per gallon this week 1.64 per gallon. Last week bacon .68cents this week over 3.00. This simple thing can save you a ton. Also some websites like hot coupon world will actually post the ads a few weeks ahead of time so you can plan your whole month of grocery shopping.
Lastly, please pray this goes through. I had a lady on a cast iron stove Yahoo group contact me about wholesaling my homemade soaps in her store. If this happens it will be some extra cash for the family. Also on Saturday Jeremy will be skiing with experts Sara, Virgil and I, please pray his legs and head stay attached. He has only skied once with me. Ok just pray we have some good laughs and some fun with old friends. I attached a pic of Bono playing the guitar and Norah singing. Also Cait took a pic at Grandma Diane's of her smiling goat. He was happy to see the kids, wishes they would come around more.

Big Weekend

Valentines Day! Ok it was Saturday but Love is still in the air. We had a blast, Madison had friends over all weekend so she passed on the Vday Fam activities. Thursday Jeremy and Iwent to the movies. Yep you know this is my favorite thing to do in the winter. We saw Slumdog Millionair. Great scenary story line ok. Friday, Gearbear and I went and played Cupid. We went to each of the kids schools and delivered flowers and balloons to each kid. Garet was sad each time he had to give a balloon away but he always had one in the car waiting for him. Saturday we woke up and made a big breakfast for the mass amount of kids in out home. The teenagers decided to sleep through the yumminess. By noon we were off to see Coraline in 3D. We stopped at the local theater got seated, watched aprox. 2 mins of the movie and noticed it wasn't in 3D. So I went out to the box office and asked for a refund being my kiddos wanted to see it in 3D. Unfortunatly but fortunenatly they couldn't give me a money refund but instead 6 movie tickets good anytime. We the avid movie goer I am this was a great deal. You see, matenee tickets are only 4.00 a piece and regular tickets are 9.00 a piece so I got quit a deal. So we piled in the car drove 15 mins to a different theater and sordove enjoyed a disurbing 3D movie. The movie was very disturbing but the 3D effect were out of this world. Moving on we went to the big OCB for supper then off to haircuts for everyone. No not Garbear I couldn't cut his precious curls yet. Later that night Jeremy and I snuk off for a little time alone and came home with a new TV. Yep, we got our tax money back and our TV from the early 90's were barely working. So we know have a beautiful TV with no cable and a no good antena but I tell you we hooked up our old XBox and the games are so cool now. YOu can actually see something other than black. We also have a wii that we play with as a fam anad that is so much fun. Many of you know Jeremy and I are not TV people so this was a huge deal to spend our money on this. We also have a broken 20 year old fridge that can't keep Ice cream cold so on Friday my new Fridge arrives. I have been waiting for this for so long. OK 2.5 years since we moved in. Other items we are going to be buying with the big Tax refund is a Wood burning furnace (this will help our heating bill a ton) we will be cutting wood this summer which will be a wonderful thing for our daughters LOL. We will also be purchasing 4 new pairs of glasses, 2 sets of 6 month contacts and 7 dentist appointments. Hmmm, wonder if I could make that into the 12 days of Valentines song. Moving on, Sunday more kids here, played the wii on the new tv. Monday, Teens had a rock band party, maddi's glasses broke so she had to order new ones early. And now today, just a good day. I took down my dept 56 houses, as a look at each one its like a picture book. Each one has a story about who I am. I love it and they were hard to put away. I also got my tomatoes, broc, and sweet peppers planted. My green house is almost full.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Winsor Stove

My Knifty Thrifty Purchase is the Sept 20, 1906 Windsor Wood Cook Stove. Isn't she a beauty.

Friday, January 23, 2009

What smells so warm in here.

My dear Rollie walked in the house today after walking home from the bus and he yelled, "What smells so Warm in Here"! How perfect is that statement. I had just made two beautiful loaves of bread.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Making Banana Pancakes

Ok here it is the kid pleaser

1C flour Wheat is great
1 Tbls white sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 egg beaten
1 C milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 Tbls apple sauce
1 tsp cinnamon
1 ripe banana mashed (put into ziplock squeeze, cut end of ziplock and squeeze out
some chocholate chips fold into batter
Mix dry ingrediants, mix wet ingrediants, mix in dry to wet. should be clumpy, make pancakes as usually. High temp works great on griddle. I cook mine on 375 degrees

My kids used either syrup, butter or peanut butter to top.

Ok cute kid moment of the day. I told Garet to lay down so I could change his diaper. Well he decided to be funny and lay on the car play table. When i went to change him he said don't worry mamma Im not a car...

Monday, January 12, 2009


Love the Starwars, Rollie and I have been watching the series these last few days and Im loving it.
So Christmas was great, We went bowling on the 23rd which was a blast. On the 24th we tried going to my Cousin Anne's house but unfortunatly Rollie ended up with the Flu bug. The same one that struck Norah down on Saturday and myself on Monday.
Dec. 31 we got a wonderful evening with old friends at Sara and Virgils house. All my best friends from High School were there. The kiddos got to help my mother take down trees and enjoy a movie. That following Friday we headed up to Jeremy's Aunties house and stayed at a local hotel that had a waterpark. The kids had so much fun, we even got to watch Andrew (jer's cousin)the head lifeguard do a rescue. Sara and Virgil came up to the hotel on Saturday and Sara and I plunged in the water with all the kids and Jeremy and Virgil fought the 12" earlier snow fall to ice fish. Lucky them another 8" were added that day after there house made it on the ice.
This week Jeremy is once again enjoying some 70's in Texas while the coldest week of the year I am in MN. THis happened last year also. And there were a few times he was in Thailand with 100+ weather while I was in the 0degree climate.
I will be adding a section onto the blog that will give free e coupons. This is a wonderful thing to have and most stores accept the store sale, the manufactured coupon plus the e-coupon which gives you a triple saving on many items.
OH I forgot Jeremy Grew a Beard, Everyone now refers to him as Honest Abe. I personally really like it and wish he would have done it every winter. All post a pic of it later.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


I will try to type in searches that worked today to help you get some bucks.
If you have no idea what swagbucks are let me tell you. Swagbucks.com is a search engine with rewards. Randomly type in searches that you would type in everyday and a swag buck might appear. When you earn so many swagbucks you are rewarded with Amazon.com gift certificates, borders, the list goes on and on. Here is my link to help you get started and to help me get an extra point for myself

I promise this is no gimmic. I will also post a ton of my websites I use to download great coupons. Please when you download the coupons be earth friendly and use recycled paper backs. Also turn your inkjet printer down to 100x100 dpi the lowest setting.